Here's some information on our previous CONFERENCES:
2023 CONFERENCE in Sydney, Australia
The 17th Biennial Conference in Sydney on 19th & 20th October 2023 is now over. Enjoy the information below.
Theme - Needlework Tools Then and Now
Hotel - The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000
Thursday, 19th October
Susan Webster (Presenter), Molly Pearce (Researcher, UK) - Evolution of Sewing Thread in Britain 1789-1862.
**** A copy of Molly's paper is now on our RESEARCH page - see menu ****
Pamela Whalan – “There was a great deal of sewing to be
done”. Preparations for the theatricals at Mansfield Park.
Nicci Kissane - Australia’s Great International Exhibitions (1879 & 1894). Tales of some (Needlework) Tools, Textiles and Traumas.
Marlene Arditto - Basic Bodkins and Their Users.
Conference Dinner
Entertainment by Susannah Fullerton - Needleworking Moments in Great
Friday, 20th October
Trading Tables / Society Sales Table / Raffles
Anne Harbers
- Needlework Tools in Dutch Art.
Kerry Easton
- Upstanding and Outstanding : Victorian Thread Reel Stands.
Lee Bateman
- English thimble makers.
Other events: Our speakers are only a part of the conference. Raffles, Trading Tables,
Popularity Contest – all attendees invited to submit an entry & Voting is by gold coin.
Also the ever popular Guessing Competition
ATTENDANCE was by Conference TICKET only

2018 CONFERENCE in Sydney, Australia
Lee Bateman - A Spring Collection
Marlene Arditto - Shuttles for Knotting and Tatting
Maria Richards - Floral Feed Sacks, a Revolution
Anne Harbers - Silver in Motion: Amazing Automatons
The Cavalcade of History and Fashion - Bustle to Bias Brides: 1880-1940
Lynda Wake - Boudoir Dolls of the Art Deco Era
Susan Webster - Silver Needlework Tools by Webster & Co.
Kerry Easton - Palace Intrigues and Needlework Tools
Paul Brunton AM - After Dinner Speaker. Paul is Emeritus Curator at the State Library of NSW, and will speak on
The vivid, shrewd and witty letters of Rachel Henning.
Rachel Henning wrote about colonial life in Queensland and New South Wales, 1853 to 1914
October is Springtime in Australia, and the theme suited the Season, calling it 'Spring into Needlework Tools'
Think about Spring flowers on Needlework Tools, and Spring colours in Needlework tools,
and even Needlework tools with Springs in them! (for example, the sewing birds below have Springs)

Plus the Conference Dinner, the souvenir Goodie Bags, and the very popular SALES MALL on the Sunday.
There will also be book signings by our own talented members Susan Webster and Nicola Kissane, both producing new books in 2017.
Don't forget about the competition for a handcrafted Spring Hat Sewing Accessory, a chance to make your fellow members wonder
"Why didn't I think of that?".
Entry to the Conference and Sales Mall is by PRE-PAID TICKET, available to both Members and non-members (surcharge for non-members applies). See the Booking form above.
The October 2018 Conference in Sydney is over, and was wonderful. If you're curious about how it all happens, the 2018 Conference Information Form is here and the 2018 Conference Booking Form here
there are the wonderful prizes to be won at the Conference such as a lovely English Lady's Companion in red
leather with gilt decoration c1850. This beautiful mid-19th Century
piece has silver tools inside - scissors, a delicate penknife, winding
pencil, stiletto, tape measure with silk tape, silver thimble, plus a
leather needlecase with tabs to hold two tools, and a noteboard. The
thimble support post lifts out to reveal space for pins or a thread

(above right) Our new Lapel Pin, in Sterling Silver.
was in Melbourne, Australia at The Parkview Hotel on the 15th-16th October 2016
Held over a weekend, the 14th Biennial Conference started on Saturday morning with Conference registration.
The theme was 'Measures'.
THE PROGRAMME Speakers and their Topics:
Dixie Ann Middleton - The Champion Embroiderers
Terry Meinke - Avery Needle Cases - Part One and Two
Nicole Jenkins - Measurement – Garment Sizing
Nicola Kissane - History of Tasmanian Stitchery
Susan Webster - Australian Measures
After Dinner Speaker: Michele Hill – William Morris
Pictured below is just some of the fun --
Lovely gifts from T.O.N.I., our logo on fingernails, a significant
birthday, the sale-of-work table, and a few pictures from the Conference

in Sydney, Australia
at The Harbourview Hotel
Blue Street, North Sydney, NSW
October 25-26 2014
Entry by Pre-paid Ticket only
Held over a weekend, the Conference actually starts on Friday afternoon with
Conference registration 5-6pm, and an informal dinner in the evening.
Then, coffee and tea are available Saturday and Sunday morning when the
Registration desk opens at 8:00am.
What was on the Programme?
Speakers and their Topics:
Gay Hendriksen – Not Everything She Seams
Susan Webster – Luxury Knitting Goods
Marlene Arditto – Jewels in the Crown: Workboxes from India and Ceylon
Judith Rutherford – Chinese Textiles and Embroidery Tools of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911)
Sue Gowan – Charles Iles Thimbles
Kerry Easton – Heather Joynes OAM, Embroiderer Extraordinaire
Helen Parsons – The Art of Tambour Work
Christine Johnson – Lace: Its History and Tools
Early Bird rewards; the Conference Dinner on Saturday evening, with Claudia
Chan Shaw as the After Dinner Speaker; the Sales Mall on Sunday.
Commemorative Conference piece for 2014 - a pewter stiletto featuring a
Waratah (the NSW state flower). Plus, it's the 21st Birthday for the NSW group!
at the Conference is open to members, and also non-members who can
join when booking (keeps our society's Insurance simple).
non-members paid a higher fee, and were offered optional membership.
Now, you just become a member and pay for the Conference as a member.
Download a Membership Application form as a pdf,
or contact us and we can send you one. Joining up for the Conference also
means you get the newsletters and other offerings for a whole year.
If you need more information, please contact
webmaster (at) needleworktoolcollectors.org
The NTCSA Membership fees (annual, valid to end of June each year) are:
Australia $30; Family Membership $50. Overseas (in $AU) $50
prices are available at the selected Hotel for conference attendees.
making your reservation, please quote Needlework Tools Collectors
BOOK EARLY to make sure you can reserve a
room at this rate
-- October is a very busy month!
'Wigwam' etui (above) was a major part of the fun at the Conference.
The opaline glass
egg opens to display ormolu needlework tools inside.
From the Palais Royal c1870, the egg
sits in a gilded wire nest; the
framework surrounding it gives the description 'wigwam' to the
there are gilded ivy leaves twining around it.

Milward Fan needlecase c1870
The NTCSA's 12th Biennial Conference was held in Melbourne, Australia
on 21-22 July 2012 at the Parkview Hotel, St Kilda Rd, Melbourne.
It was the Society's 25th Anniversary, so the theme was SILVER !
Read about it on this page plus you can download more information as a pdf here
The Program at the 2012 Conference was:
17th Century Stumpwork and Related Tools
Development of Scissoroos and thimbles with an Australian flavour
Adventures in 40 years of organising needlework events and activities
Dutch and European Needlework Tools
The Jewel of the Cabinet-makers' Art - Three Centuries of Worktables
The Australian Dress Register
18th Century "Toys"
Jane Austen's Sewing Box/Georgian Times
Our After Dinner speaker on the Saturday evening was Kevin Murray, who brought
our Silver Anniversary theme to gleaming life with his talk on English, Irish and
Scottish Silver.
souvenir ‘Goodies bag’ for each attendee is always one of the delights
of the
Conferences, and superb raffles of sewing accessories and other
items were a
highlight. Adding to the mix, and the fun, were guessing
competitions and a Lucky
Dip. The 2012 Conference Commemorative item was
a turned timber pincushion.

This replica of the Sydney Harbour Bridge scissors was at the
in Sydney, 23-24 October 2010
at the Harbourview Hotel, Blue Street, North Sydney
are diverse and offer a variety of speakers and subjects which cater
for the many
varied interests of our Society’s members.
The Program at the 2010 Conference was:
Saturday 23rd October
Conservation of needlework tools
A journey through a special dolls’ house
Needlework Tools in Western Art
A special presentation by The Cavalcade of History and Fashion
Australian Thimbles
Ancient Thimbles
Sunday 24th October
Sales mall
Demonstrations of needlework tools in use
Raffle draw
Irish Crochet
Charles Horner
The Changi Quilt
Sewing Birds
Conference Dinner on Saturday evening was delighted to have Susannah
as the After Dinner speaker on the subject of ‘Literary
Travellers in Australia’.
souvenir ‘Goodies bag’ for each attendee is one of the delights of the
Conferences, as
are raffles of sewing paraphernalia, and the Conference
Commemorative item in 2010 was a
copper thread holder in the shape of
the Harbour Bridge.
( check back soon )